Friday, September 25, 2015

What's on the Agenda for Next Week?

I enjoyed meeting with everyone for Parent Teacher Conferences this week and last. Thank you for taking the time to meet with me and including your child in our conference together. 
I'm in need of five 2 Liter Bottles for math next week. If you have any empty, clean ones at home, please send them my way! Thanks! 

Math- We started time this week. The students will practice telling time and finding elapsed time. We will also start discussing metric units of capacity. (mL and L) The students will have a quiz over time on Thursday.  Math Newsletter1  Math Newsletter 2

Language Arts- We will work on writing a personal narrative next week. The students received their spelling words on Wednesday. Their test will be on Tuesday, October 6th. They can practice at Spelling City

Science- We will focus on plant and animal adaptations in the Temperate Forest and Arctic Tundra this week. The students will complete a mini research activity in class on an animal from one of the habitats we have studied in class.

Social Studies- We will continue to discuss the 6 Regions in SC. The students will have a quiz over the Blue Ridge, Piedmont and Sandhills regions on Wednesday.

Relaxing and reading in the Media Center...

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