Friday, October 2, 2015

A Look Ahead...

Measuring Capacity
We decomposed a Liter of water into 10 parts today so the students understand that there are 1,000 mL in 1 Liter. They did a great job of using the LIFESKILL of Cooperation with their Learning Club to complete the task. Thanks for donating the empty 2 Liters for this lesson! 

MollyJane pours 1 Liter of water into a bottle while Mason holds it steady. -Khushi 
Claire, Mitchell and Anna decomposed 1 Liter of water into 10 separate cups. -Ethan
 Math- We continue to focus on using mL and L to find capacity. We will start rounding numbers to the nearest ten and hundred. The students will have a quiz on mL/L and time on Wednesday. Math Newsletter 1  

Language Arts- Our reading story for next week is "Wolf". We will focus on sequencing. We will also discuss nouns, verbs, subjects and predicates. The students have a spelling test on Tuesday.

Science- We will discuss salt water and fresh water habitats next week. (ex. oceans, lakes, rivers, estuaries, ponds, streams)

Social Studies- We will wrap up our unit on the regions in SC with a test on Thursday. We will start learning about the Native Americans of SC. The students were assigned a SC Region Project this week that is due on Thursday, October 15th. I hope you already know about the project. :)

Stay dry this weekend! I'm so ready for some sunshine!! 

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