The students have done a great job of bringing their charged chromebooks to school each day. Thank you for making sure they come prepared!
College Color Days
Everyone looked great in their college colors today.
Please remind your child that he/she should not be bringing toys to school. I have a lot of fidget gadgets being brought in, but are being used more as a toy. Also, if your child has a phone it needs to stay in his/her backpack during the school day. If it is taken out it will be taken away. Thank your for reinforcing this at home with your child!
Parent Orientation
I will host a virtual parent orientation on Thursday at 6 pm. I will be recording it in case you are unable to join. I will send out a Google Meet link on Tuesday or Wednesday for you to join.
Friday Folders
Please remember to ask your child for their Green Friday Folder and send it back on Mondays. Your child has a couple graded assignments coming home. You are welcome to keep them.There is also a very important paper for third grade parents about the SC Read to Succeed Act.
Math- We continue to focus on multiplicaiton strategies in math. We will be working in Chapter 3. If you would like more details about what your child will be learning, please read the Chapter 3 Family Letter (They are linked.) Studnets can start focusing on memorizing their facts with the factors of 0,1,2,5 and 10. We have a program to practice multiplicaiton fluency we are using at school, but your child could practice their facts with mutliplication flashcards at home. You can buy them or they can make some with index cards or squares of paper.
ELA- We will continue focusing on context clues. I continue to read one on one with students to check for fluency and comprehension. We will continue writing personal narratives.
Science- We continue to focus on Plant and Animal Habitats.
Social Studies- We continue to focus on Mapping Skills.
Related Arts Schedule
Monday- No School
Tuesday- Computer Lab
Wenesday- Music
Thursday- PE
Friday- Science Lab
Important Dates
Monday, September 6th- Labor Day- No School
Thursday, September 9th- Parent Orientation 6pm (virtual)
Thursday, September 9th-September 17th- Virtual Book Fair
Monday, September 20th- Interims
Friday, September 25th- Student Half Day- Dismissal at 11:30