Friday, October 1, 2021

A Look Ahead

BHS Athlete Leaders

We will have a Blythewood Athlete Leader in our classroom once a month. He/she will work with the students one on one and in small groups doing different activities. Bree was in our classroom this week for about an hour and worked on multiplication and reading. 

New Student

We welcomed a new student to our class! Paige is joining us from North Carolina. The students have done a great job of making her feel welcome. 


Math- We will continue discussing strategies to solve division problems in Chapter 4. If you would like to learn more about what your child will be learning about with division, please read the Family Letter for Chapter 4. The students continue to use Reflex to strengthen their fluency with multiplication. They are welcome to use it at home too. 

ELA-  We will focus on character traits. We will continue writing personal narratives with a focus writing a good beginning, middle and ending. 

Science- We will wrap our food chains with a quiz on Wednesday

Social Studies- We will focus on the continents and oceans. 

Related Arts Schedule

Monday- PE

Tuesday- Science Lab

Wenesday- Art

Thursday- Computer Lab 

Friday- Music 

Important Dates

Tuesday, October 13th - Boosterthon Begins 

Wednesday, October 20th- End of 1st Nine Weeks

Thursday, October 21st- Half Day- Boosterthon Fun Run

Friday, October 22nd- No School 

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