Friday, September 17, 2021

A Look Ahead

 7 Mindsets

We have been focused on Everything is Possible with a focus on Being Positive this week. We watched a video about a science experiement with plants. One plant was being "told" negative comments while another was being told "positive" comments. It is quite an interesting video. Check it out! 

Half Day- Early Dismissal 

Friday, October 24th is a half day for students. If you child will have a change in transportation for that day, please let me know. Thank you! 


Math- We continue to focus on multiplicaiton strategies in math and working in chapter 3.  If you would like more details about what your child will be learning, please read the Chapter 3 Family Letter. We will have a test on Chapter 3 on Friday. Look for a study guide to come home on Wednesday. It will be very similar to the last test. Your child has now been exposed to all multiplicaiton factors from 0-10. Please let your child use a strategy we have learned in class to solve mutliplication problems and hopefully they will start ot memorize them as well. Flash cards are a great way to practice as well as Reflex (a site we use in class for fluency). The studnets have been practicing addition and subtraction, but starting Monday I will be moving them to multiplication on the site. They will start with their 2 facts and once those are mastered will move on. 

ELA-  We will contine to focus on asking and answering literal questions before, during and after reading. We will continue writing personal narratives about special people and places. 

Science- We will not focus on science this week. 

Social Studies- We continue to focus on Mapping Skills. The studetns will have a quiz over mapping skills on Thursday. They will be able to use their notes in their yellow social studies notebook for the quiz.

Related Arts Schedule

Monday- Science Lab

Tuesday- Art

Wenesday- Computer Lab 

Thursday- Music

Friday- PE

Important Dates

Thursday, September 9th-September 17th- Virtual Book Fair 

Monday, September 20th- Interims- Nothing will be sent home so please check Parent Portal for your child's updated grades.

Friday, September 24th- Student Half Day- Dismissal at 11:30

Tuesday, October 13th - Boosterthon Begins 

Wednesday, October 20th- End of 1st Nine Weeks

Thursday, October 21st- Half Day- Boosterthon Fun Run

Friday, October 22nd- No School 

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