Friday, November 12, 2021

A Look Ahead

 Students enjoyed the Veteran's Day Video created by Mrs. Sadler and the fourth grade students on Thursday. It is located on your child's Thursday pathway, if you would like to watch it. Below is a picture of the class singing Star Spangled Banner with Mrs. Kenga, Mr. Williams and Ms. Sadler. Thank you to all the parents who have served our country! 


School pictures are coming home in your child's Friday folder. Please look at them and read the directions on the back of the package, if you would like to purchase. If not, please send them back. Makeup pictures are on Tuesday, November 16th.


Math- We continue in Chapter 7: Round and Estimate Numbers. We will wrap up this chapter with a test on Friday.  If you would like to know what your child will be expected to do in this chapter, check out the Chapter 7 Family Letter.  The students continue to use Reflex to strengthen their fluency with multiplication. They are welcome to use it at home too. 

ELA-  We will be discussing how to summarize text. In writing, we continue our opinion writing unit. We are also focused on complete sentences and verbs. 

Science- We will focus on social studies.   

Social Studies- We will focus on Physical Features in our state, country and world next week.  

Related Arts Schedule

Monday- PE

Tuesday- Science Lab

Wenesday- Art

Thursday- Computer Lab

Friday- Music 

Important Dates

Monday,  November 15th- Last Day for Reading Counts for November 

Tuesday, November 16th- Fall Makeup Pictures

Friday, November 19th- Reading Counts Awards

Monday, November 22nd-26th-Thanksgiving Break 

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