Friday, September 25, 2020

A Look Ahead

 I feel like we are really starting to get into the swing of things with virtual learning. I think we (the students and myself) have finally figured out Big Ideas, the math app. We have been fortunate enough to have Jacob's mom, Ms. Waters, jump on our Meet a few times to help since she works with elementary math teachers at the district office. 

Dry Erase Boards

If you child did not get a dry erase board from me, I still have some. I also have markers. We use the dry erase boards a lot and it is so much easier to see their answers on the boards than with paper and pencil. 


Please check out the Communigator (school blog- click Communigator for link) with information about caring for Chromebooks and Troubleshooting Google Meets. 

Bitmoji Image

Thanks again for all of your support at home! 


Math- We will wrap up Chapter 1 in Big Ideas: Understanding Multiplication and Division with a test on Tuesday. Students are welcome to practice any problems in their math workbook that we didn't do in chapter 1 to review. We will also review on Monday. We will move to Chapter 2: Multiplication Facts and Strategies. 

ELA- In writing, we will continue to focus on personal narratives. In reading, we will wrap up using context clues with a graded assignment towards the beginning/middle of the week. We will also discuss questioning before, during and after our reading, making predictions and drawing conclusions. 

Science- We will jump back into science midweek focusing on food chains including producers, consumers and decomposers. 

Social Studies-We continue focusing on maps and the students will have a quiz on Wednesday.  

*I will include the Week At A Glance in your child's Google Classroom on Monday that will include when graded assignments for the week will take place.

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