Friday, September 11, 2020

A Look Ahead

Communigator- LCE Blog

If you haven't had a chance to check out the Communigator or subscribe to follow it and receive emails when the school posts information, please check it out. Communigator Link 

A few things...

Absent Students- If your child is late or misses an afternoon or morning they need to go to the pathway for that day and complete the slides, work, and links. The pathways I use allow for students to complete missed work easily. I will also have my Google Meet recordings under that day in Google Classroom. At least we will be back on our normal schedule next week.  :)

Navigating Google Classroom Video

Book Fair

We will have a virtual Book Fair starting Monday, September 14th- September 27th. You can use the link to order, but the link will not be active until Monday. Book Fair Link


Math- We will start Chapter 1 in Big Ideas: Understanding Multiplication and Division. The students will have a graded assignment on Friday. 

ELA- We wrap up our focus on suffixes and prefixes. The students will have a graded assignment this week on Tuesday. In writing, we will focus on personal narratives and capitalization.  

Science- We will wrap up our discussion on habitats with a graded assignment on land habitats. The students will either have a graded assignment on Thursday or Friday depending on our week. 

Social Studies- We will move in to social studies towards the end of the week. Our focus will be on using an alphanumeric grid to locate continents and oceans on a map. 

*I will include the Week At A Glance in your child's Google Classroom on Monday. 

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