Friday, November 16, 2018

Next Two Weeks

Native Americans
The students participated in different crafts that the Native Americans we were discussing in class were/are skilled at making. Autumn snapped a few pictures posted below.
Catawba-pottery, Cherokee-basket weaving, Yemassee- shell jewelry

Math- We continue working in Module 2: Place Value and Problem Solving with Units of Measure. We will focus on lessons 18-21 and the students will have a test over Module 2 on Thursday, November 29thThe students are using the website below in class that can help them with their subtraction, addition, multiplication and division fluency. If they have time at home they can practice as well.

Language Arts- We will continue to focus on using text evidence when answering questions related to different types of texts. We will also practice using context clues when trying to figure out the meaning of unknown words. We will read Dear Juno from the reading textbook. We will continue discussing nouns (ex. proper, plural and possessive) and writing personal narratives. 

Social Studies- We are moving into early exploration in South Carolina. We will focus on several explorers including Hernando deSoto, Jean Ribault, Juan Pardo, William Hilton and Henry Woodward. 

Science- We continuing discussing water habitats. (ex. ocean, rivers, swamp, lakes etc.) The students will have a test over this material on Friday, November 30th. 

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