Friday, May 20, 2016

Last Full Week of May

Figure Me Out
Students created posters with different facts about themselves. Their peers had to figure out the equation under each fact to find out the answer. 

Brooke's Final Poster
Ethan putting the finishing touches on his poster. 
Students work on "Figuring Out" their peers. 

Math- The students will have a quiz on basic multiplication facts (1-12) on Wednesday. The students will be working on a math research project called, Summer Vacation. They will research a place that they would like to visit this summer and include information about how much it will cost to fly there, stay in a hotel, visit different attractions etc. They will create a Google Slide Show and present the information to the class. They might even try to persuade you to take them this summer. :)

Language Arts- We will wrap up Lemonade War with a test over chapters 7-14 on Tuesday.

Science- We will be learning about Electricity. 

Social Studies- We will move into Chapter 10 which will focus on the 20th century. 

Have a fabulous weekend! Hopefully the sun comes out a little!

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