Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Health Room News

Attention All Parents:
Medications are not kept in the health room over the summer.  Please pick up all over-the-counter and prescription medications (inhalers, Epi-pens, other prescription medications) from the health room by Friday, June 3rd at 12 o'clock noon.  Any medications left this time will be destroyed.

Thank you from your school nurses,

Sarah Mishoe RN, Lower Campus
Kathy Waldrep RN, Upper Campus

Parents of Rising Sixth Graders:

South Carolina Immunization laws require a tetanus/ Tdap vaccine for all students prior to entering the seventh grade. Please schedule an appointment with your child’s physician to obtain the required vaccine. Once your child has been vaccinated, bring a copy of the updated shot record to your child’s school nurse.
• One (1) dose of Tetanus/Tdap vaccine (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) administered on or after the 7th birthday will be required for all seventh graders.  It is strongly recommended that adolescents who have not yet received a dose of Tdap vaccine be immunized in advance of this requirement.

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