Friday, April 1, 2022

A Look Ahead

 Morning Show

Lance and Camdyn did a great job as a guest on the morning show this week. 

Reading Counts Rewards

Congrats to Jayla L. for earning 50 points and Bryce for having the third highest number of points for 3rd grade. 

Half Day Dismissal- April 8th

Just a reminder that Friday is early dismissal. There will be no Later Gators so if your child is a Later Gator, please let me know how he/she will be going home. Thank you! 

Math- We continue working in Chapter 12: Understand Time, Liquid Volume and Mass. The students will have a quiz over the lessons 1-4 on time, Wednesday. If you are interested in reading about what your child will be learning and expected to do, please look at the Chapter 12 Family Letter. The students continue to use Reflex to strengthen their fluency with multiplication. They are welcome to use it at home too. 

ELA-  We will have Reading MAP on Tuesday. We continue to focus on poetry. The students will have a test over poetry on Thursday. In writing, we will continue our text dependent analysis writing unit. This writing unit involves reading skills as well since students will learn how to analyze a text. 

Science-  We continue to focus on weathering, erosion and deposition with a quiz on Wednesday.(Students can use their notes.)

Social Studies- We will focus science. 

Related Arts Schedule 

Monday- Music

Tuesday- PE

Wednesday- Science Lab 

Thursday- Art

Friday- Computer Lab 

Important Dates

Tuesday, April 5th- 3rd Grade MAP Reading

Friday, April 8th- Half Day- Dismissal at 11:30 am

April 11th-15th- Spring Break

Wednesday, May 4th- ELA SC Ready Test

Thursday, May 5th- ELA SC Ready Test

Tuesday, May 10th- Math SC Ready Test 

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