Friday, February 18, 2022

A Look Ahead

 100% Fluent

Congratulations to Bryce for becoming 100% fluent with his multiplication and division facts!! He has earned a spot on our classroom Wall of Fame. If you would like to know what percent your child is fluent ask them to log into Reflex and they can show you. Your child is always welcome to practice at home too! I look forward to adding more students to my Wall of Fame. 

Soil Fun

Students enjoyed making soil observations. 

Morning Show Guest

Micheal did a great job on the morning show this week! We have a few more students who will be guests in the next couple weeks. 

Math- We will continue our focus on fractions with mixed numbers. The students will have a quiz on Wednesday. We will also focus on plotting measurements to the nearest half and quarter inch on a line plot. The students continue to use Reflex to strengthen their fluency with multiplication. They are welcome to use it at home too. 

ELA-   We continue to learn about the different text features in nonfiction (appendices, timelines, charts etc.) In writing, we will continue our text dependent analysis writing unit. This writing unit involves reading skills as well since students will learn how to analyze a text. 

Science-  We will focus on soil. 

Social Studies- We will focus on science. 

Related Arts Schedule 

Monday- No Related Arts

Tuesday- Music

Wednesday- PE

Thursday- Science Lab

Friday- Computer Lab 

Important Dates

Thursday, February 17th- Third Quarter Interims

Friday, February 18th- Early Dismissal at 11:30 am

Monday, February 21st- No School, President's Day 

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