Friday, February 11, 2022

A Look Ahead

Valentine's Day Exchange

Just a reminder we will exchange valentines on Monday. If your child would like to participate please make sure he/she has one for everyone in the class. We have 22 students.

Math- We will continue our focus on fractions with mixed numbers. The students will have a quiz on Friday.  The students continue to use Reflex to strengthen their fluency with multiplication. They are welcome to use it at home too. 

ELA-  We will wrap up our focus on inquiry skills with the Olympics. We will learn about the different text features in nonfiction (appendices, timelines, charts etc.) In writing, we will start a text dependent analysis writing unit. This writing unit involves reading skills as well since students will learn how to analyze a text. 

Science-  We will focus on soil. 

Social Studies- We will focus on science. 

Related Arts Schedule 

Monday- PE

Tuesday- Science Lab

Wednesday- Art

Thursday- Computer Lab

Friday- No Related Arts

Important Dates

Monday, February 14th- Valentines Exchange

Thursday, February 17th- Third Quarter Interims

Friday, February 18th- Early Dismissal at 11:30 am

Monday, February 21st- No School, President's Day 

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