Thursday, January 13, 2022

A Look Ahead

 We formed more "rocks" this week. Make sure you ask your child how Airheads and Lifesavers form a sedimentary rock.

Math- We continue to focus on lessons in the back of the workbook (additional topics) so we will not be in a specific chapter. The skills we are focusing on are place value, comparing numbers and ordering numbers up to 999,999. The students will have the Math district benchmark on Wednesday. The students continue to use Reflex to strengthen their fluency with multiplication. They are welcome to use it at home too. 

ELA-  We will have the ELA district benchmark test on Tuesday. If your child is at home he/she will be able to take it at home. We will focus on inquiry skills this week. In writing, we will start a text dependent analysis writing unit. 

Science- We will wrap up rocks and minerals with a test on Thursday. Your child was assigned a Pet Rock Project. Please ask your child to see the assignment. It is due on Tuesday, January 25th

Social Studies- We will focus on human features. 

Related Arts Schedule

Monday- No School 

Tuesday- PE

Wednesday- Mrs. Skinner

Thursday- Science Lab

Friday- Art

Important Dates

Friday, January 14th- No School

Monday, January 17th- No School 

Tuesday, January 18th- ELA Benchmark

Wednesday, January 19th- Math Benchmark

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