Thursday, October 8, 2020

A Look Ahead

Another great week in third grade! They have kept me laughing this week! I hope you enjoy the long weekend with your family! 

Array Hunt

Students went on array hunts this week and found arrays located in their homes. Below are some of the creative arrays they located. They learned how to use their Chromebook camera and insert the picture. 

Math Help Feature
If your child is working on the Homework and Practice section in their math workbook you will notice a QR code in a house at the top. If your child needs help or you need help explaining something to your child you can scan the code for help. 


Math- We will wrap up Chapter 2 with a test on Wednesday. We will move into Chapter 3: More Multiplication Facts and Strategies. 

ELA- In writing, we will continue to focus on personal narratives, writing good beginnings, and using a checklist with our writing. In reading, we will focus on drawing conclusions and character traits. The students will have a graded assignment on drawing conclusions on either Wednesday or Thursday.  

Science- We will take a break from science for about a week.

Social Studies-We will focus on the Five Themes of Geography, Lines of Longitude and Latitude. 

*I will include the Week At A Glance in your child's Google Classroom on Monday that will include when graded assignments for the week will take place.

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