Friday, October 30, 2020

A Look Ahead

Half Day Fridays

All elementary schools in the district will have half days every Friday starting November 13th. What this means for virtual students is that on Fridays your child will be done at 11:30, when we break for lunch. Half days on Fridays will give teachers a chance to collaborate and plan. 

Silly Monsters

The students did a great job of creating their silly monsters! Soooo creative! I cannot wait to listen to their stories on Flipgrid! 

Big Ideas Tutorial 

Your child has been completing math assignments virtually on Big Ideas. These assignments have been independent practice. Below is a video going over how you can check your child's assignments to see what he/she missed. I have showed the students how to do this as well. 


Math-  We will start Chapter 4: Division Facts and Strategies. 

ELA-  We will focus on determining the theme of a story using key details in texts. We will connect our writing to our 7 Mindset Focus: Attitude of Gratitude. 

Science- We will not focus on science this week. 

Social Studies- We will focus on Physical Characteristics/Features in Geography. (oceans, continents, hemispheres, prime meridian, equator etc.)

*I will include the Week At A Glance in your child's Google Classroom on Monday that will include when graded assignments for the week will take place.

Friday, October 23, 2020

A Look Ahead

 Boosterthon Fun

The students seemed to really enjoy Boosterthon this year even though it was virtual. We had Lightning Lydia as a mystery reader on Wednesday, enjoyed crazy hair day, hat day and sunglass day. Check out the pictures below...

Principal Appreciation Week 

Next week we will honor Mr. Williams...see below or click Communigator to read it on the school blog. 


Math-  We will wrap up our work in Chapter 3: More Multiplication Facts and Strategies with a test on Thursday

ELA-  In writing we will focus on using adjectives and vivid verbs in our writing with our Silly Monster writing. We will also wrap up our unit on personal narratives. We will dive deeper into analyzing character change next week too. 

Science- We continue to look at how humans, animals and nature can change environments. the students will have a graded assignment mid to late week. 

Social Studies- We will not focus on social studies this week. 

*I will include the Week At A Glance in your child's Google Classroom on Monday that will include when graded assignments for the week will take place.

Friday, October 16, 2020

A Look Ahead

I know some of the students were excited to get their prizes today at lunch. It was nice to see some of them in their car! Your child will have another opportunity to pick up their prizes on Monday from 11:30-12:15. I'm sure there will be other days announced soon. We will have our virtual dance on Wednesday at 2:00pm. Our class earned hat day and I enjoyed seeing everyone wearing their hats. Monday we will wear crazy socks. Please remind your child! 

Hard to get a good picture of everyone with their hat on...

Multiplication Flash Cards

I have been talking to the students about flash cards. It would be great if you are able to purchase your child some flash cards so they can practice memorizing their facts. One of my students shared the set she has which is great because you can categorize the facts into don't know yet, sort of know and mastered.  Her mom found them on Amazon. (Link, if you are interested.) I also told the students they could easily make their own with some index cards or by cutting paper into rectangles....write the fact on one side and the answer on the back. 


Math-  We continue working in Chapter 3: More Multiplication Facts and Strategies. The students will have a graded assignment on Tuesday. 

ELA- In writing, we will continue to focus on personal narratives, writing good beginnings, and using a checklist with our writing. In reading, we will focus on how characters change the plot as well as character traits. 

Science- We will move back into science midweek and focus on how humans and animals change their environments. 

Social Studies-We will wrap up our discussion on the 5 Themes of Geography with a graded assignment on Tuesday or Wednesday. 

*I will include the Week At A Glance in your child's Google Classroom on Monday that will include when graded assignments for the week will take place.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

A Look Ahead

Another great week in third grade! They have kept me laughing this week! I hope you enjoy the long weekend with your family! 

Array Hunt

Students went on array hunts this week and found arrays located in their homes. Below are some of the creative arrays they located. They learned how to use their Chromebook camera and insert the picture. 

Math Help Feature
If your child is working on the Homework and Practice section in their math workbook you will notice a QR code in a house at the top. If your child needs help or you need help explaining something to your child you can scan the code for help. 


Math- We will wrap up Chapter 2 with a test on Wednesday. We will move into Chapter 3: More Multiplication Facts and Strategies. 

ELA- In writing, we will continue to focus on personal narratives, writing good beginnings, and using a checklist with our writing. In reading, we will focus on drawing conclusions and character traits. The students will have a graded assignment on drawing conclusions on either Wednesday or Thursday.  

Science- We will take a break from science for about a week.

Social Studies-We will focus on the Five Themes of Geography, Lines of Longitude and Latitude. 

*I will include the Week At A Glance in your child's Google Classroom on Monday that will include when graded assignments for the week will take place.

Friday, October 2, 2020

A Look Ahead

 It is hard to believe it is the beginning of October! We continue to get into a groove with virtual learning. I'm sure some days are harder for others with your child. I have my moments too. If you ever listen to me teach you probably hear me say "look on your pathway" quite a lot. I am continually trying to get the students to look at their pathway slides and not rely on me for information...all part of becoming responsible and accountable students.  :) 


Math- We moved into Chapter 2 this week: Multiplication Facts and Strategies. We will focus on 2's, 5's, 10's, the distributive property and problem solving skills. We will have a graded assignment on Wednesday. 

ELA- In writing, we will continue to focus on personal narratives. In reading, we will focus on questioning, drawing conclusions and making predictions. We will have a graded assignment covering questioning on Monday. 

Science- We are focusing on food chains including producers, consumers and decomposers. We will have a graded assignment covering food chains on Wednesday or Thursday. 

Social Studies-We will take a break from social studies. 

*I will include the Week At A Glance in your child's Google Classroom on Monday that will include when graded assignments for the week will take place.