Friday, September 20, 2019

A Look Ahead

Kindness Mystery Reader
Thursday we had a mystery reader to celebrate Kindness Month. Mrs. Dekle was our mystery reader and she read What Does It Mean To Be Kind? to the class. 

Think Tank
Our Think Tank question of the week was: Of all the numbers between 10 and 99, how many times does the digit 1 appear? I just pulled down the answers and a lot of students tried it, but no one got it correct. It might be a good question to discuss at dinner. I will go over the answer on Monday. 

Math- We continue in Module 1 with Properties of Multiplication and Division. The students will have a quiz on WednesdayIf you have multiplication flash cards at home your child could start practicing the 0,1,2,3 and 5. They can also practice their fluency (addition, subtraction, multiplication division) on the following website.

Language Arts-  We will start to focus on character traits and adjectives. We continue to write personal narratives. 

Social Studies- We continue discussing the 6 regions that make up South Carolina. We will discuss land forms, cities, physical and human features that can be found in the different regions. 

ScienceWe will focus on the desert and arctic tundra.

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