Friday, December 14, 2018

Next Week

Friday Folders
Your child will not have a Friday folder today. I didn't have any grades ready to go home and there is nothing from the office. 

Think Tank 
If you are interested in this week's Think Tank question: A soccer team, The Tigers, have 4 girls and 8 boys. Another soccer team, The Lions, have twice as many players as the Tigers. How many players are there in all for both teams?

Congrats to Madeleine and Chloe for meeting their personal goals and ringing the school bell! Who will be next? 

Read with the Gamecocks
These logs are due on Monday. Please make sure your child has added up all the pages before they turn it in to the media center. Thanks! 

Math- We will continue to focus on multiplication and division with Module 3. We will focus on lessons 8-11. The students are using the website below in class that can help them with their subtraction, addition, multiplication and division fluency. If they have time at home they can practice as well.

Language Arts- We will focusing on making text to self, text to text and text to world connections when reading. We will also continue discussing character traits and continue to focus on story elements. We will also continue informational writing with topics the students are experts on. 

Social Studies- We will continue discussing Colonial Times in South Carolina. 

Science- We will continue discussing Rocks and Minerals. 

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