Friday, December 7, 2018

A Look Ahead

Winter Wishes
Thanks to everyone who has sent/brought in canned goods for our service learning project!! We have collected 210 items as a class so far!! The students are SUPER excited because we are close to being the top class! The top class will receive a pizza party. Monday is the last day to donate items. I have expressed to the class that Winter Wishes is all about giving and not being first, but now that we are so close I've become a little competitive. :) 

Read with the Gamecocks
Your child still has a week to complete their reading log. It is due on December 17th. Students will receive a ticket to a men's and women's basketball game in January, if they participate. 

The students received their own personal dictionary from the Spring Valley Rotary Club today. They were excited about their gift. 

Math- We will continue to focus on multiplication and division with Module 3. We will focus on lessons 7-10. The students will have a quiz on lessons 1-7 on Thursday.The students are using the website below in class that can help them with their subtraction, addition, multiplication and division fluency. If they have time at home they can practice as well.

Language Arts- We will focus on making text to self, text to text and text to world connections when reading. We will start discussing character traits and continue to focus on story elements. We will also continue informational writing. 

Social Studies- We will continue discussing Colonial Times in South Carolina. 

Science- We will start Rocks and Minerals. Thank you to everyone who donated items for our hands on science activities coming up in class!! 

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