Thursday, March 29, 2018

Week After Break

I hope everyone has a wonderful Spring Break! Safe travels if you are leaving Columbia! It sounds like everyone has some exciting plans. I did not send home Friday Folders because I didn't have any grades, but there is a flyer for Gator Fest in your child's binder.  

Leaning Tower of Feetza
The students worked in groups to build the tallest tower with their shoes. They did a great job of working together and using Habit 6 (Synergize). 

Math- We continue working with Fractions. The students will have a quiz on Wednesday. 

Language Arts- We will focus on summarizing texts with nonfiction passages. We will read   from our reading books. We are also start writing some Opinion pieces. 

Science-We continue discussing slow and fast changes to the Earth. 

Social Studies- We will continue discussing Antebellum Times in South Carolina. 

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