Friday, March 16, 2018

Next Week

Fireflies Reading
The log for the Fireflies is due on Friday, March 23rd. Great way to earn a free ticket and food to one of the games!! 

State Museum Field Study
Your child has a permission slip for our field study in his/her Friday folder. Please fill out and return before Spring Break. Thanks! 

The students will take MAP Reading and MAP Math next week. Reading is Tuesday morning and Math is on Thursday morning. Please make sure your child gets a restful night sleep, eats a good breakfast and is on time to school. We have been reviewing for quite a while so I'm sure the class will do great!! Please reiterate to your child at home about taking their time and doing their personal best! 

Cookie Weathering and Erosion
We started learning about weathering and erosion with a fun activity. The students weathered and eroded their cookie (rock) with wind (blowing in a straw), plants and animals (using a toothpick) and water (water dropper). They also recorded their observations after each step. 

Math- We continue working with Fractions. The students will take MAP Math on Thursday.

Language Arts-  We will take MAP Reading on Tuesday. We will also focus on summarizing texts. We will Skype with author Suzanne Selfors on Wednesday morning. The students have come up with some great questions to ask her. The students will take MAP Reading on Tuesday.

Science-We will move into slow changes to the Earth (weathering, erosion and deposition) 

Social Studies- We will start discussing Antebellum Times in South Carolina. 

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