Friday, January 26, 2018

Next Week

Reading Counts
Congrats to Anthony Netti! He earned over 250 points to receive his shirt! Who will be next? 

Survival Kits
For LCEU’s 2nd Service Learning project, we are making Police Officer Survival Kits.  Every day, these men and women put their lives on the line to protect us.  Let’s show them some gratitude! 
3rd graders are asked to bring in Pay Day candy bars (fun size) and Hershey Kisses. 
We will be collecting candy through February 9th. 

Math- We continue in Module 4 on Multiplication and Area. We will also do our first Mystery Number Hangout with a class from another state. We will be a number between 1-1,000 and they will be a number. We have to ask yes/no math questions to determine what number they are and vice versa. Let's hope we do not have any weather issues that will postpone this Hangout! 

Language Arts- We will continue discussing how to find the Main Idea in passages/stories. We continue writing informative pieces. 

Science-We continue studying Rocks and Minerals. Your child will have a test on Thursday. Your child's pet rock is due on  Tuesday, January 30th.  Please remind them to turn in the biography sheet as well as their rock. 

Social Studies- We continue discussing the American Revolution. 

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