Friday, January 19, 2018

A Look Ahead

The Great Kindness Challenge
I sent home a flyer explaining what this challenge entails. The students will receive a checklist of challenges he/she can do next week to show kindness. I will have them leave it in the front of their binder so you can look at it with them and help them perform some of the acts at home. They can also perform some at school. 

Class Pictures
There is a order form for class pictures in your child's Friday folder. Class pictures are Wednesday so if you would like to order one the money is due on the 24th. 

Read with the Gamecocks
Don't forget to encourage your child to keep writing down the books and pages he/she is reading. The reading log is due on Friday. 

Math- We continue in Module 4 on Multiplication and Area. The students will have a quiz over lessons 1-4 on Wednesday.

Language Arts- We will start discussing how to find the Main Idea in passages/stories. We will continue with our mentor sentence from the book My Brother Martin and it will focus on verbs. The students will have a quiz over this on Thursday. We continue writing informative pieces. 

Science-We continue studying Rocks and Minerals. Your child was assigned a fun pet rock project today. Make sure they tell you all about it!! It will be due on Tuesday, January 30th. 

Social Studies- We continue discussing the American Revolution. 

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