Thursday, October 19, 2017

A Look Ahead

Skilled 3rd Graders
We weaved "baskets" like the Cherokee, made "pottery" like the Catawba and shell necklaces like the Yemassee.

Math- We will continuing learning about Place Value and Problem Solving with Units of Measure. (addition, subtraction, rounding, metric units) The students will have a quiz on Friday. 

Language Arts-We will continue to identify story elements (characters, setting, problem, solution, plot) and character traits. We will also focus on plural nouns with our mentor sentence. The students will have a quiz on their mentor sentence on Thursday. 

Science- We continue learning about the Rain Forest. The students will have a test over this habitat on Tuesday, October 31st. 

Social Studies-We will start learning about the European Explorers who came to SC. (Hernando deSoto, Jean Ribault, Juan Pardo, William Hilton)

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