Friday, October 6, 2017

A Look Ahead

Students created Temperate Forest Food Chains using the Explore tool in Google Draw...

Please sign and return the graded papers that I send home each Friday in the green folder. Thanks! 

Math- We will be discussing the basics of telling time next week. (hour and minute hand, am and pm etc.) We will go more in depth with time next nine weeks. We will also do a fun activity to celebrate Metric Week. 

Language Arts- We continue to analyze nonfiction texts. We will wrap up our mentor sentence from the book Fireboat (focusing on proper nouns) with a quiz on Wednesday. The students continue writing about small moments in their lives that revolve around a person or place. We are using Lucy Calkins as our writing curriculum this year and the students seem to really enjoy it! 

Social Studies- We will continue focusing on Native Americans in early SC. (Cherokee, Catawba and Yamassee) 

Science- We will wrap up our discussion on the Temperate Forest with a test on Friday

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