Saturday, September 24, 2016

Next Week

Math- We are starting Module 2 on Place Value and Problem Solving with Unites of Measure. Next week we will focus on Time Measurement and Problem Solving. We will continue to review multiplication facts during our fluency portion of math each day. Please encourage your child to practice their facts at home through flash cards or games. 

Language Arts- We continue focusing on making inferences and drawing conclusions with several different picture books and fiction passages. On Friday, the students will have a test on making inferences. The quiz will also have some comprehension questions from a fiction passage they are not familiar with to see if they can apply the skills we have been discussing in class. Our mentor sentence will come from When Lightning Comes in a Jar with the focus being on verbs. 

Science- We continue focusing on the Temperate Forest Habitat. We will discuss food chains found in the habitat as well as adaptations that animals and plants use to survive in the forest. 

Social Studies- The students will have a test over the six regions in SC on Wednesday. Students can use their Travel Pass located in their binder and their book to help them study. They also completed a Box It review sheet and should have a study buddy already in their binder. 

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