Friday, March 4, 2016

Next Week...

Congrats to MollyJane for earning her Reading Counts shirt this week! So proud of her! Who will be next? She received it on Tuesday so I wasn't able to get a picture of her with it on. 

Skyping with Suzanne Selfors!!!
Hopefully your child has informed you that our class will be Skyping with the author of Smells Like Dog, a book we just finished in class. They loved the book and many students have moved on to other books in the same series. They have been brainstorming questions to ask her and are super excited! We will talk with her on Wednesday morning. Click on her name to go to her website...if you are interested. Suzanne Selfors

Math- We continue working with graphs. (bar, picture graphs and line plots) Math Newsletter 

Language Arts- We continue reading Revolutionary War on Wednesday. (Chapters 6-10) The students will have a quiz over these chapters on Friday. We will also take the District Writing Assessment on Monday. 

Science- We will wrap up landforms with a test on Thursday and will move into Matter. 

Social Studies- We continue learning about Government in Chapter 6.

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