Friday, November 13, 2015

Thank You Rotary Club
The third grade students each received a dictionary from the Blythewood Rotary Club on Thursday to use in class. They were super excited! 

Math- Our focus will still be on multiplication and division. 

Language Arts- We will discuss point of view (1st and 3rd person point of view). We will look at several books and passages that have different points of views.  The students will also write a story from a turkeys point of view. They will have their spelling test on Tuesday. 

Science- We will wrap up habitat changes and fossils with a test on Wednesday. Fossil Frank comes to visit on Thursday. 

Social Studies- We will start discussing early exploration in South Carolina. The students will create a paper slide show to help teach the class about the explorers we will be studying. 

The $14 for Diamond Dell and Fossil Frank is due on Tuesday. Please send the money in with your child, if you haven't done so already. Thanks! 

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