Friday, November 6, 2015

A Look Ahead...

Report Cards
Your child's report card is in his/her folder. You can keep the contents inside, but please send back the envelope signed. 

Honor Roll Recognition

The students have worked very hard this nine weeks! If your child made the A or A/B Honor Roll he/she will be recognized Wednesday on the morning show.

Wish List
I am in need of index cards for the classroom. If you would like to donate a pack, I would appreciate it. They can be lined or unlined.Thanks in advance! 

Native American Fun
The class became expert potters and basket weavers this week. They also received a shell necklace. Each item represents one of the tribes we are learning about. Make sure you ask your child what item represents what tribe and why. 
Math- We will be focusing on multiplication and division again. Please encourage your child to practice his/her facts at home. They will have a math quiz on Friday.

Language Arts- Our story for next week is "Castle on Viola Street". The students will have a test on Friday. We will discuss theme in stories. I passed out spelling words on Tuesday and the students will have a test over them on November 17th. They can practice at 

Science- We continue discussing changes to habitats and how they can be harmful or/and helpful.

Social Studies- We will wrap up our unit on the Native Americans of SC with a test on Wednesday.

Claire, Trenton and Mason use the collaborative area in the 3rd grade hall to
compare and contrast the 3 Native American tribes we are studying. 

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