Friday, September 24, 2021

A Look Ahead

Thank you for sending in pictures of your child in differnet situations (birthdays, vacations, holidays etc). We are a little behind my plans so I will be using them early next week. If you did not have a chance to email me one, you still can!


Math- We will start discussing strategies to solve division problems with Chapter 1 Lessons 5-7 and Chapter 4. If you would like to learn more about what your child will be learning about with division, please read the Family Letter for Chapter 4. The students continue to use Reflex to strengthen their fluency with multiplication. They are welcome to use it at home too. 

ELA-  We will focus on drawing conclusions and then move into character traits.  The students will have a test covering the skills we have been discussing in class: context clues, answering and asking questions, drawing conclusions and predictions on Thursday. We will continue writing personal narratives about special people and places. They are doing a great job adding deatils and showing not telling their stories. 

Science- We will focus on Food Chains. 

Social Studies- We will focus on science next week. 

Related Arts Schedule

Monday- PE

Tuesday- Science Lab

Wenesday- Art

Thursday- Computer Lab 

Friday- Music 

Important Dates

Tuesday, October 13th - Boosterthon Begins 

Wednesday, October 20th- End of 1st Nine Weeks

Thursday, October 21st- Half Day- Boosterthon Fun Run

Friday, October 22nd- No School 

Friday, September 17, 2021

A Look Ahead

 7 Mindsets

We have been focused on Everything is Possible with a focus on Being Positive this week. We watched a video about a science experiement with plants. One plant was being "told" negative comments while another was being told "positive" comments. It is quite an interesting video. Check it out! 

Half Day- Early Dismissal 

Friday, October 24th is a half day for students. If you child will have a change in transportation for that day, please let me know. Thank you! 


Math- We continue to focus on multiplicaiton strategies in math and working in chapter 3.  If you would like more details about what your child will be learning, please read the Chapter 3 Family Letter. We will have a test on Chapter 3 on Friday. Look for a study guide to come home on Wednesday. It will be very similar to the last test. Your child has now been exposed to all multiplicaiton factors from 0-10. Please let your child use a strategy we have learned in class to solve mutliplication problems and hopefully they will start ot memorize them as well. Flash cards are a great way to practice as well as Reflex (a site we use in class for fluency). The studnets have been practicing addition and subtraction, but starting Monday I will be moving them to multiplication on the site. They will start with their 2 facts and once those are mastered will move on. 

ELA-  We will contine to focus on asking and answering literal questions before, during and after reading. We will continue writing personal narratives about special people and places. 

Science- We will not focus on science this week. 

Social Studies- We continue to focus on Mapping Skills. The studetns will have a quiz over mapping skills on Thursday. They will be able to use their notes in their yellow social studies notebook for the quiz.

Related Arts Schedule

Monday- Science Lab

Tuesday- Art

Wenesday- Computer Lab 

Thursday- Music

Friday- PE

Important Dates

Thursday, September 9th-September 17th- Virtual Book Fair 

Monday, September 20th- Interims- Nothing will be sent home so please check Parent Portal for your child's updated grades.

Friday, September 24th- Student Half Day- Dismissal at 11:30

Tuesday, October 13th - Boosterthon Begins 

Wednesday, October 20th- End of 1st Nine Weeks

Thursday, October 21st- Half Day- Boosterthon Fun Run

Friday, October 22nd- No School 

Friday, September 10, 2021

A Look Ahead

If you did not attend virtual parent orientation, please make sure you watch the recording and look at the presentation. There are some new procedures/opopurtunites as far as grades are concerned for your child that you need to be familar with. 

Next Week

I will be at school on Tuesday, Thursay and Friday next week as well as half a day on Wednesday. So happy to be returning for a majority of the week. Of course, this is if everything in my household stays the same. I will let you know my plans of the following week once those dates are definite since one of my sons cannot return until the 23rd. 

Reading Celebration

Congrats to Bryce for completing the Richland County Library summer reading challenge and enjoying a celebration today with the other students from Upper Campus! 


Math- We continue to focus on multiplicaiton strategies in math. We will be working in Chapter 3. If you would like more details about what your child will be learning, please read the Chapter 3 Family Letter (They are linked.) Students can start focusing on memorizing their facts with the factors of 0,1,2,5 and 10. 

ELA- We will wrap up our focus on context clues on Wednesday. We will start focusing on asking and answering literal questions before, during and after reading. We will also focus on nouns (common and proper) and making sure the students capatilize proper nouns in their writing. We will continue writing personal narratives. 

Science- We will wrap up our focus on Plant and Animal Habitats. The students will have a graded assignment on Tuesday, but will be allowed to use their notes. They started working on an animal research project that will be graded when completed. 

Social Studies- We continue to focus on Mapping Skills. 

Related Arts Schedule

Monday- Art

Tuesday- Computer Lab

Wenesday- Music

Thursday- PE

Friday- Science Lab

Important Dates

Thursday, September 9th-September 17th- Virtual Book Fair 

Monday, September 20th- Interims

Friday, September 24th- Student Half Day- Dismissal at 11:30

Friday, September 3, 2021

A Look Ahead

The students have done a great job of bringing their charged chromebooks to school each day. Thank you for making sure they come prepared! 

College Color Days

Everyone looked great in their college colors today.


Please remind your child that he/she should not be bringing toys to school. I have a lot of fidget gadgets being brought in, but are being used more as a toy. Also, if your child has a phone it needs to stay in his/her backpack during the school day. If it is taken out it will be taken away.  Thank your for reinforcing this at home with your child! 

Parent Orientation

I will host a virtual parent orientation on Thursday at 6 pm. I will be recording it in case you are unable to join. I will send out a Google Meet link on Tuesday or Wednesday for you to join. 

Friday Folders

Please remember to ask your child for their Green Friday Folder and send it back on Mondays. Your child has a couple graded assignments coming home. You are welcome to keep them.There is also a very important paper for third grade parents about the SC Read to Succeed Act. 


Math- We continue to focus on multiplicaiton strategies in math. We will be working in Chapter 3. If you would like more details about what your child will be learning, please read the Chapter 3 Family Letter (They are linked.) Studnets can start focusing on memorizing their facts with the factors of 0,1,2,5 and 10. We have a program to practice multiplicaiton fluency we are using at school, but your child could practice their facts with mutliplication flashcards at home. You can buy them or they can make some with index cards or squares of paper. 

ELA- We will continue focusing on context clues. I continue to read one on one with students to check for fluency and comprehension. We will continue writing personal narratives. 

Science- We continue to focus on Plant and Animal Habitats. 

Social Studies- We continue to focus on Mapping Skills. 

Related Arts Schedule

Monday- No School

Tuesday- Computer Lab

Wenesday- Music

Thursday- PE

Friday- Science Lab

Important Dates

Monday, September 6th- Labor Day- No School 

Thursday, September 9th- Parent Orientation 6pm (virtual)

Thursday, September 9th-September 17th- Virtual Book Fair 

Monday, September 20th- Interims

Friday, September 25th- Student Half Day- Dismissal at 11:30