Friday, August 20, 2021

A Look Ahead

Growth Mindset- The Power of Yet

We discussed how some things in third grade might be challenging at times, but we will have a growth mindset by being positive, continue to try and learn from our mistakes. We also discussed that we might not understand something immediately so we would say something along the lines of "I do not understand multipliction yet".  

Emma displays her illustration representing a growth mindset. 

Sydney and Machiah working on math task cards reviewing math.


Math- We will focus on multiplicaiton strategies in math. We will complete lessons 1-4 in Chapter 1 and move into Chapter 2. Part of Chapter 1 is on division strategies, but we will not focus on that part of the chapter yet. If you would like more details about what your child will be learning, please read the Chapter 1 Family Letter and Chapter 2 Family Letter. (They are linked.) We will take the MAP Math test on Wednesday. 

ELA- We will focus on affixes (prefixes and sufixes). We will discuss choosing "just right books" when independently reading. I will also start reading one on one with students to check for fluency and comprehension. The studnets will also be doing some creative writing next week. We will take the MAP Reading test on Tuesday. 

Science- We will focus on Plant and Animal Habitats. 

Social Studies- We will focus on Mapping Skills. 

Related Arts Schedule

Monday- Computer Lab

Tuesday- Music

Wenesday- PE

Thursday- Science Lab

Friday- Art

Important Dates

Tuesday, August 24th- MAP Testing

Wednesday,  August 25th- MAP Testing

Monday, September 6th- Labor Day- No School 

Thursday, September 9th- Parent Orientation 6pm (virtual)

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