Friday, April 2, 2021

A Look After Spring Break

 Reading Counts Celebrations

Congrats to Kylie Simon and Laiken Bradley for earning their 200 point rewards!! Congrats to Jacob for earning his 50 point reward! Keep reading! 

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Report Cards

The office will mail out report cards for the third nine weeks on Wednesday, April 14th. 

Asynchronous E-Learning Days

Thursday, April 15th and Friday, April 16th are asynchronous e-learning days for the district so teachers can receive their second dose of the vacination. Students will find their work posted in Google Classroom each morning. If your child completes the work they will marked present and if they don't they will be marked absent for these two days. 


Math-  We will start Chapter 12: Understand Time and Liquid Volume. If you would like to know more about what your child will be learning in this chapter please read the Family Letter.  Please encourage your child to practice their multiplication facts. They can use flashcards or the following website: Math Trainer. 

ELA-  We continue our focus on figurative language (metaphors, personification, idioms, similes). The students will have a quiz the week after spring break. In writing, we will focus on informational writing. 

Science- We will not focus on on science after break. 

Social Studies- We will focus the African Region. 

*Please continue to refer to your child's Week At A Glance for graded assignments next week.  

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