Friday, February 5, 2021

A Look Ahead

Report Cards

Report cards were scheduled to be mailed out by the office this last Thursday so hopefully your child will receive his/her report card soon.

National Wear Red Day 


Math-  We will wrap up our work in Chapter 8: Add and Subtract Multi Digit Numbers with a test on Tuesday.  We will start Chapter 9: Multiples and Problem Solving. I'm linking the Family Letter, if you want to learn more about what your child will be working on in this chapter.  Please encourage your child to practice their multiplication facts. They can use flashcards the following website: Math Trainer. 

ELA-  We will continue to focus on point of view next week and may start on author's purpose (entertain, persuade, inform)  In writing, we continue working on literary analysis. This type of writing also involves reading since we will be analyzing texts. 

Science- We will be moving into a unit on Soil. 

Social Studies- We will not focus on social studies next week. 

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