Friday, February 26, 2021

A Look Into March

Virtual Learning Reminders

It is hard to believe it has been almost a year since I have had students in my classroom!  I just wanted to go over a couple important reminders that make virtual teaching a little easier for myself. Each day the whole class starts at 9:00am and we return after lunch at 12:15pm.  I am starting to notice more students coming back late from lunch and not returning after related arts, which ends at 1:45, or coming on and then leaving a few minutes later. I am also having more students leave their cameras off the majority of the day, even when I mention turning them on. I know the cameras may need to go off throughout the day for various reasons, but it is hard to know if your child is "with me" when I cannot see them. Also, please continue to let me know if your child has an appointment or has to be out of class for any reason. Thank you for your continued support at home!  

Reading Counts

Congrats to Kylie for earning 150 points!! Keep up the reading! If our class was f2f they would have seen Mrs. Medlock and Mrs. Busch come around with the prize cart. 

South Carolina 2020-2021 Litter Trashes Everyone Art Contest

Congratulations to Laiken Bradley! Her art was picked to represent our school in the art contest. We hope she has success in the next round too! 

Olivia also entered the contest with her creative poster. 

Best Wishes! 

We said goodbye to Joshua on Thursday. His family has been in Germany since January and since the school on base opened back up he decided to start f2f. We wish him and his family all the best!  


Math-  We will start Chapter 10:Understand Fractions. If you would like to know more about what your child will be learning in this chapter check out the Family Letter. Please encourage your child to practice their multiplication facts. They can use flashcards the following website: Math Trainer. 

ELA-  We continue to focus on author's purpose (persuade, inform, entertain). Your child will have a graded assignment towards the middle of the week.  In writing, we continue working on literary analysis. This type of writing also involves reading since we will be analyzing texts. 

Science- We will not focus on science next week.  

Social Studies- We will be focusing on Culture and Regions. Your child will be conducting a family culture interview. 

*Please continue to refer to your child's Week At A Glance for graded assignments next week.  

Friday, February 19, 2021

A Look Ahead

Requesting Yearbook Pictures

 Our yearbook staff is requesting pictures of our virtual students doing virtual school at home.  If you can, please send me any pictures that you have taken of your child doing virtual learning.  If you don't have any and you have a chance, please snap a couple and send them to me.  I will pass them along to our yearbook staff.  They are requesting that the pictures be in the largest size possible.


Upper Campus is excited to celebrate Read Across America on March 2nd with a WHOLE SCHOOL, ONE PICTURE BOOK celebration along with virtual community readers.  As part of this celebration, EVERY student will be provided a copy of The Magician’s Hat by Malcolm Mitchell.  We will be completing activities during the week related to this text. 

We are asking parents of our virtual students to drop by and pick up their child’s book.  

Dates and times for book pick up are as follows:

Wednesday, February 24th- 7:30-4:00

Thursday, February 25th - 7:30-5:00

Friday, February 26th- 7:30-3:00

We have tried to schedule flexible pick up times, but if you are unable to come during these times, please reach out to your child’s teacher and we will work with you.

Edible Soil

Students enjoyed using different types of food to understand the texture of the three types of soil we are studying and humus. Thank you for providing them with food for this activity. I think they really enjoyed it and made connections!

Dental Treat Bags
The 3rd graders watched a virtual dental show created by Delta Dental today. You are welcome to pick up a dental goodie bag for your child at the school. When you come pickup your child's book for Read Across America you could grab this as well. (see above information) Just tell the front office you need to pick one up and they will grab one from the nurse's office.  


Math-  We will focus on reading, writing, comparing numbers through the hundred thousands place (999,999) and writing them in different forms. (word, expanded, standard) We will focus on these standards next week with a quiz on Thursday or Friday.  We will also move into Chapter 10:Understand Fractions. I will send the family letter explaining it more next week. Please encourage your child to practice their multiplication facts. They can use flashcards the following website: Math Trainer. 

ELA-  We will focus on author's purpose (persuade, inform, entertain).  In writing, we continue working on literary analysis. This type of writing also involves reading since we will be analyzing texts. 

Science- We will wrap up our focus on soil in the middle of the week with a graded assignment and then move back to social studies. 

Social Studies- We will focus on Culture and Regions when we finish soil. 

*Please continue to refer to your child's Week At A Glance for graded assignments next week.  

Friday, February 12, 2021

A Look Ahead

 This week we hit 100 days of school! We celebrated with doing different tasks for 100 seconds. We played virtual Valentine's Bingo today and created virtual Valentines. Congrats to Ava, Laiken, Faith and Isabelle for getting BINGO!  Happy Valentine's Day! 

Trivia Winner

Congrats to Isabelle for being one of three LCEU students whose name was drawn out of all the students who answered a Black History Month trivia question! She won a small prize! Hope our class has more luck if there are any more trivia questions. 


Math-  We are in Chapter 9: Multiples and Problem Solving. Students will be learning strategies to solve problems such as 40 x 3. We will have a quiz on Friday. Please encourage your child to practice their multiplication facts. They can use flashcards the following website: Math Trainer. 

ELA-  We will be focused on comparing and contrasting texts in reading.  In writing, we continue working on literary analysis. This type of writing also involves reading since we will be analyzing texts. 

Science- We will continue to focus on soil. 

Social Studies- We will not focus on social studies next week. 

*Please continue to refer to your child's Week At A Glance for graded assignments next week. 

Friday, February 5, 2021

A Look Ahead

Report Cards

Report cards were scheduled to be mailed out by the office this last Thursday so hopefully your child will receive his/her report card soon.

National Wear Red Day 


Math-  We will wrap up our work in Chapter 8: Add and Subtract Multi Digit Numbers with a test on Tuesday.  We will start Chapter 9: Multiples and Problem Solving. I'm linking the Family Letter, if you want to learn more about what your child will be working on in this chapter.  Please encourage your child to practice their multiplication facts. They can use flashcards the following website: Math Trainer. 

ELA-  We will continue to focus on point of view next week and may start on author's purpose (entertain, persuade, inform)  In writing, we continue working on literary analysis. This type of writing also involves reading since we will be analyzing texts. 

Science- We will be moving into a unit on Soil. 

Social Studies- We will not focus on social studies next week.