Friday, December 11, 2020

A Look Ahead

Upper Campus Holiday Spirit Week

What's In A Name? 
Students did a great job drawing out their name on grid paper and then finding the area of their name. 

Reading Counts 

All information about Reading Counts tests/prizes is located on the LCE Media Center Webpage. 


Math-  We will wrap up Chapter 6 on Area next week with a test on Wednesday. We will move into Chapter 7: Rounding and Estimate Numbers. Please encourage your child to practice their multiplication facts so they can become fluent.

ELA-  We will focus on finding the main idea in texts. We continue our unit on opinion writing.

Science- We will not focus on science this week. 

Social Studies- We will continue to focus on Human Features and Human Environmental Interactions. 

*Please check out your child's Week at A Glance for graded assignments.

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