Friday, February 21, 2020

Last Week in February

Friday Folders
I will not be sending home Friday folders because I do not have anything to send home at this time. I did send home a class picture with your child, if you ordered one. It should be in their bookbag. 

Mindset Focus: Live to Give: Receive Gracefully
The students played Compliment Tag as part of our Receive Gracefully lesson. The students seemed to enjoy this activity and they did a great job giving and receiving compliments from their peers. 


Math- We will wrap up Module 4 with a test on Friday. Please encourage your child to continue to practice their multiplication facts and division facts. Students can practice their fluency (addition, subtraction, multiplication division) on the following website.

Language Arts-  We will start reading Revolutionary War on Wednesday. We will focus on several skills while reading. (character analysis, predicting, character traits, author's purpose etc.) We will continue our writing unit on Literary Analysis. 

Social Studies- We continue learning about the American Revolution.

ScienceWe continue discussing natural events (landslides, floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes etc.). The students will have a quiz over this information on Thursday. 

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