Friday, December 6, 2019

Next Week

Sistercare Service Learning Project
If you are interested in donating items to support Sistercard please click on the link to learn more. Items will be collected until Friday, December 13th. Everyone is brings in an item to donate will be able to wear a hat on Friday. 

Igneous Rocks
Students enjoyed some ice cream and chocolate today while learning how an igneous rock is formed. Make sure you ask your child how they are related.

Jason and London review for our Explorer test with Tic Tac Toe. 

Math- We will wrap up Module 2, Place Value and Problem Solving with Units of Measurement, with a test on Wednesday. 
Please encourage your child to continue to practice their multiplication facts. Students can practice their fluency (addition, subtraction, multiplication division) on the following website.

Language Arts-  We started discussing finding the main idea in fiction texts. We will also start our unit on informational writing.

Social Studies- We will start discussing Colonial Times in SC. 

ScienceWe continue to focus on different types of rocks. (igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic) The students will have a quiz over soil and rock types on Friday

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