Friday, October 5, 2018

A Look Ahead

Disability Sensitivity Training
Each year third graders participate in disability sensitivity training. The training involves students rotating through stations that simulate various mental and physical disabilities. It helps with Habit #5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood. 

Camp Discovery
We will be going on our field trip Tuesday. We will leave around 9:30 am and return around 1:30. Please make sure your child wears closed toe shoes, brings his/her lunch (unless you signed up for a bag lunch), apply sunscreen before leaving home and some bug repellent. 

Math- We continue in Module 1 with Properties of Multiplication and Division. The students will have a quiz on Wednesday. The students are using the website below in class that can help them with their subtraction, addition, multiplication and division fluency. If they have time at home they can practice as well.

Language Arts- We will focus on the Folktales genre. The students will have a test over Stone Soup on Friday. We will also continue discussing what it means to visualize while reading. We continue writing personal narrative stories. 

Social Studies- We continue discussing the 6 regions that make up South Carolina. We will discuss land forms, cities, physical and human features that can be found in the different regions. 

Science- We will continue to look at Forests and Rainforests. 

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