Friday, August 24, 2018

A Look Ahead

Friday Folders
Your child is coming home with their green Friday Folder today. This folder will come home each Friday. It may include flyers from the office, important information and assessments. Please look through the folder each weekend and send it back to school with your child. 

Parent Letters I've enjoyed reading the letters I have received about the students in my class. I have already noticed some of the things you have said are your child's strengths and weaknesses. Thank you so much for sharing! I look forward to reading more.

MAP Testing
Your child will be taking the Reading and Math MAP test next week on Wednesday and Thursday. 

3rd Grade Parent Orientation
Orientation for parents is on Wednesday, September 5th from 5:30-6:15 or 6:30-7:15. Hope you are able to attend. If you are not able to come, please let me know and I will make sure I provide you with the information you missed. 

Leader in Me - 7 Habits of Highly of Happy Kids
We will focus on the 7 Habits of Happy Kids with The Leader in Me next week to set the stage for the school year. If you are interested in learning more about Leader in Me and the 7 Habits, please check out the website. Leader in Me

 This week we focused on the first three habits: 1- Be Proactive, 2- Begin with the End in Mind, 3- Put First Things First. We will review the first three habits next week and then focus on the last four: 4- Think Win-Win, 5- Seek First to Understand, 6- Synergize, 7-Sharpen the Saw.

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