Friday, April 20, 2018

Looking Ahead

Thank you to everyone who signed up to send in treats for my SC Ready Countdown! I have received some items already. If you have not sent the items in yet, please do so by April 25th. Thanks! 

SC Ready (State Test)
Please look for an important paper in your child's folder explaining SC Ready. 

Spring Pictures
Your child should have spring pictures in his/her folder. Please send them back, if you do not want to purchase any or keep the ones you want and send the rest back with your payment. Please look for directions in the envelope. 

Happy Earth Day!
We partnered up with Mrs. Hood's class to make Cheerio bird feeders for the birds that visit LCEUC. 

Math- We continue to work in Module 5, Fractions. We should finish up soon and I am planning a test over it on Tuesday, May 1st. We will also continue reviewing for SC Ready. 

Language Arts- We continue discussing Figurative Language. (metaphors, similes, personification and idioms) We will also do some opinion writing and review for SC Ready.

Science- We continue discussing Landforms and Water Features on Earth. The students will have a quiz over water features on Thursday. 

Social Studies- We continue discussing the Civil War. 

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