Friday, February 23, 2018

A Look Ahead

Fireflies Reading
Your child will receive a Fireflies reading log on Monday. They will have until March 23rd to complete it. They need to read one grade level appropriate book per base in order to complete the reading log. Let me know if you have any questions when you look at the log on Monday. 

Math- We will do a couple days of working with elapsed time and then move into Module 5 on Fractions. 

Language Arts-  We will focus on Cause and Effect. We will be reading Amazing Grace from the reading book. We will also continue working on nonfiction writing pieces and cursive. The students will have a test over Amazing Grace on Friday.

Science-We will wrap up our unit on Soil with a test on Thursday.

Social Studies- We continue with our unit on Government (State and National). 

*We will also start reviewing some for MAP Reading and Math which we will take in late March. 

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