Friday, December 1, 2017

Winter Wishes
Don't forget this service learning project starts on Monday! Below is the schedule for Spirit week.

Marvel Monday!-Wear a Superhero t-shirt!

Top Hat Tuesday!-Wear your favorite hat!

Wacky Tacky Wednesday!-Dress tacky!

Throwback Thursday!-Dress from any decade!

Favorite Team/Player Friday!-Wear your favorite team or player’s jersey/shirt.

Welcome, Davina!
We welcomed another new student this week! The boys think we need another boy since we are a little girl heavy. :) 

Math- We will continue working in Module 3. Our focus is on multiplication with units of 0,1,6-9 and multiplies of 10. We will have a math quiz on Friday. Please encourage your child to review their math facts with flashcards, games on the internet or the link below that we use in class to practice fluency.  We will also be "competing" against a 3rd grade class in another state through a Google Hangout/Kahoot on Thursday. I told the class they need to practice their facts so it we will be a good "competition".

Language Arts- We continue comparing and contrasting different nonfiction passages and engaging in writing that is detailed and provides evidence from the text. 

Science- We continue discussing water habitats (swamp, salt marsh/estuaries, lakes, rivers etc.) 

Social Studies- We continue discussing SC during Colonial Times. I'm planning to have a test over this material on either Tuesday or Wednesday of the following week. 

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