Friday, September 15, 2017

A Look Ahead

Book Fair
The book fair is next week. We previewed it today as a class this afternoon. We will go to the book fair as a class on Thursday so students can purchase books.

Disability Training
Each year 3rd graders participate in disability awareness training. The training involves each student rotations through stations that stimulate various disabilities. Take a look below...

Math- We continue working in Module 1 on Multiplication and Division. We have focused on the facts 2,3 and 5 in this module using division and multiplication. If you have multiplication flashcards at home it would be a good idea for them to start "testing" themselves to see how fast they know the answers. 

Language Arts- We will focus on nonfiction texts, text features, and suffixes. We will read Earth Smart from our reading book as well as other nonfiction material. 

Science-We continue learning about different habitats. (animal adaptations, food chains, characteristics of each habitat) We will also discuss process skills (classify, predict, infer, observe).

Social Studies- We will continue to discuss the regions in South Carolina and the different physical and human features of each. 

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