Friday, May 12, 2017

State Testing Next Week

We will be taking SC Ready next week. The students are ready and I know they will do great! Monday we will take ELA- Day 1 (Writing), Tuesday we will take ELA- Day 2 and Thursday is Math. Please make sure your child gets a good night sleep, eats breakfast and is on time next week. Thanks! 

If you ordered a yearbook for your child it will be coming home today. Unfortunately,
they have our class as a second grade class so the company provided stickers to cover up the 2 with a 3. I will get stickers for you next week. 

Congrats to Xavier for mastering his multiplication facts!! Who will be next? 

Math-We will finish Module 7 and review for SC Ready. The students will have a test over Module 7 the following week on Wednesday, May 24th . SC Ready math test will be on Thursday. 

Language Arts-We will continue with Lemonade War. We will finish reading it next week and the students will have a test over Chapters 8-14 on Tuesday, May 23rd. SC Ready ELA test will be on Monday and Tuesday.

Science-We will discuss Electromagnets and Electricity. 

Social Studies- We will finish up Reconstruction with an open book/notes assessment on Wednesday, May 17th.We will then move into the 1900's to finish up SC History. 

Happy Mother's Day! I hope everyone has a great weekend!

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