Friday, January 20, 2017

Last Full Week of January

Report Cards
Your child's report card is in their Friday Folder. Please keep the report card, but sign and return the envelope. 

Box Tops
Please save and send in your Box Tops. Check your child's Friday Folder for more information. Please make sure you cut each Box Top on the dotted lines. 

Math- We will wrap up Module 4 on Area and Multiplication with a test on Tuesday. We will start Module 5, Fractions as Numbers on a Number Line. I will send a parent tip sheet via email soon.

Language Arts-We will discuss point of view and will be reading the story "Author A True Story". The students will have on this story on Thursday.The students will also start writing their autobiography. 

Science- We continue learning about different types of soil. The students will have a test on Soil on Friday.

Social Studies- We continue learning about the American Revolution.

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