Friday, December 2, 2016

Next Week

Gamecock Reading Log
Logs are due on Monday. Please make sure you initialed the form and your child added up all the pages he/she logged on the paper. Thanks! 

Math Facts Fluency Practice
The class has been practicing their multiplication facts using the link below. Your child can change the workout time and the cutoff time for each question. They can also practice their division facts. They know how this works! Great way for your child to practice at home too! Math Trainer (Click for link.)

Food Drive-Service Learning Project
Bring in at least one food item each day and be able to participate in the day's theme...

Marvel Monday- Wear a superhero shirt or cape!
Top Hat Tuesday- Wear a hat!
Wacky Tacky Wednesday- Dress in a tacky way!
Throwback Thursday- Dress from the past decade!
Freaky Hair Friday- Do something crazy to your hair!

USC Intern, Miss Young
Yesterday was Miss Young's last day with our class. She will still be at LCEUC next semester, but she is moving up to 5th grade.  We wish her the best of luck!

Math- We continue working with multiplication and division in Module 3.  Please continue to encourage your child to practice their multiplication facts so they can memorize them.

Language Arts- We will finish up Text Features with a test on Tuesday. We will look at a nonfiction passage called "Do Polar Bears Eat Penguins" and start focusing more on how to answer text dependent questions. 

Science- We will wrap up Desert and Arctic Tundra with a test on Friday.

Social Studies-We continue discussing Colonial Times in South Carolina.

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