Thursday, January 14, 2016

Next Week

Ideal Bedrooms...
Did anyone's child present you with their plan for their new and improved bedroom? They really enjoyed creating an ideal bedroom while finding the area of each object. Interesting ideas!

Claire and Anna work on their Ideal Bedroom with our new student, Brianna. 

Math- We will start out unit on Fractions, Module 5. Math Newsletter

Language Arts- The students will focus on using text evidence to support their answers when reading and writing about different passages. They will also finish writing their Pet Rock Biographies. 

Science- We continue to study Soil. Thank you to all the parents who offered to donate items for this unit! If you signed up, please send your item to school with your child by Tuesday. 

Social Studies- We continue to discuss Colonial Times in South Carolina. 

Enjoy the long weekend! Hopefully the sun stays out! 

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