Friday, December 18, 2015

A Look At Next Year

Thank you so much for the "dough" from the class! The hard part will be spending it on myself. I can't believe it is almost 2016! This year is flying by! I hope everyone enjoys the winter break with family and friends. We are headed to Ohio to see family and maybe a little snow...if we are lucky! Safe travels! See you next year! 

Math- We will continue working in Module 4 on Area and Multiplication. The students will have a quiz over lessons 5-9 on Thursday. 

Language Arts-Our story will be "Boom Town". We will not test until the following week. We will also focus on compound words and continue creating our snowmen stories. 

Science- We will wrap up our unit on Rocks and Minerals with a test on Friday. The students' Pet Rocks are due on Wednesday, January 6th. I can't wait to see their creativity!! 

Social Studies- We continue to discuss Colonial Times in SC, Chapter 4.  

The students enjoyed making the three different types of rocks this week. Make sure you ask your child what ingredients we used for Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks and why. Thanks to everyone who donated items for these activities! 

Khushi and her Igneous Rock
Myles is working on his Sedimentary Rock
Holiday Minute To Win It
The students participated in a couple holiday/winter themed Minute To Win It games today and it was a hoot. Harrison and Mitchell are Facing the Gingerbread man below...

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